Mature Driver 'Initial' Course

This 'Initial' Course is for people who have never taken a Mature Driver Course.

  • You must be 55 years old or older 
  • You must have a valid California driver's license

If you are between 50 and 54 years old, check with your insurance company to see if you qualify.

Mature Driver 'Renewal' Course

This 'Renewal' Course is for people who have already completed a Mature Driver Course (online or in-classroom) from us or any other company.

  • Attention: You must have completed your last Mature Driver Course within the last 4 years. If it's been longer than 4 years, you are required to take the 'Initial' course.
  • You must have a valid California driver's license.
Please select a course above before entering your details.

Create New Account

Your Username and Password will be required to sign into the course. Use 8 or more characters with a mix of letters, numbers & symbols. Please write them down for future reference.

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  • Continue Your Course (Click Here)
  • Returning Customer?
    • If you took our course 3-years ago, sign into your account (Click Here)