How To Get Your Mature Driver (Defensive Driver) Auto Insurance Discount

You must be 55 years of age or older to qualify for this California Auto Insurance Discount.

1. Contact Your Auto Insurance Agent

    • Contact your auto insurance agent to find out how much you will save after completing our course.

2. Register: Click on the "SIGN-UP Now" button. 

    • You will need your driver's license number, a credit card or PayPal information
    • (Optional) if you want us to email your certificate to your insurance agent/company, you will also need their email address and your policy number)
    • Registering two (2) people? Click Here for instructions

3. Complete the Course:  Read (or listen to) the course and watch all of the videos in all 12 chapters.

4. Review your Completion Confirmation to ensure all information is correct.

5. Receive Your Certificate by Email:  Your Official DMV Certificate will be emailed to you within 3 business days (paper certificate by mail optional)​.

6. Get Your Auto Insurance Discount: Give your Certificate to your auto insurance agent to receive your 3-year auto insurance discount.


1. Start The Registration Process


Click on a "Register Now" button to start the registration process

2. Select Your Course

3. Create Your New Account

  1. Enter Your Email Address
  2. Create A Username  (8 or more numbers or letters long)
  3. Create Password (8 or more numbers or letters long)


Note: If you are registering two people, you must register and pay for each person separately. If you both use the same email address, your usernames must be different. 

4. Optional Upgrades


We email your auto insurance agent and you a digital image of your Certificate.  It normally takes 2 to 3 business days to have your certificate printed, scanned, and emailed (Attention: You must know your insurance agent's email address when registering).


Your paper certificate will be mailed to you by First Class US mail. People usually receive it within 5-7 business days after course completion. You still receive your free digital certificate by email.

5. Payment Information


Enter your credit card number or click on the PayPal logo and enter your account information. Sorry, we do not accept checks, money orders or payment over the phone.


Card Number

Expiration Date

Card Security Code

To locate your credit card's security code:

Look at the back of your Visa or MasterCard to find the 3 digit CVV security code. American Express has a 4 digit security code located on the front of the card.


6. Student Information


This information will be printed on your Certificate. It is very important that it is correct so that you can get your auto insurance discount.


First, Middle, and Last Name


Phone Number



California Driver's License Number

Date of Birth (you must be 55 or older)

7. Registration Confirmation Email

Once you complete the Student Information section, you're done registering and you'll receive an email receipt. It is important that you review all of the information in the email we send you for accuracy.


You must register and pay for each person separately.

If you both have the same email address, follow the below instructions.

  1. Register the 1st person
    • Create a username, i.e., JaneDoe1
  2. Complete the course
  3. Logout of the 1st person's account
  4. Register the 2nd person
    1. Create a different username, i.e., JohnDoe2
  5. Complete the course


Can My Spouse and I Both Take the Course Together?

Yes. Follow the following steps to take the course together.

  1. Register one person for the course
  2. Both people take the course together using the one account on one tablet or computer
  3. Logout of the first person's account
  4. Register the second person
  5. Since the second person has already completed the course, they just skip through the content by clicking on the ‘Continue’ button at the bottom of each page until they get to the end. This is a honor based system.
  6. Both people receive their certificates​






All you have to do to earn your Mature Driver Course Certificate is read or listen to the course and watch the videos on our website. There are no tests to pass!

1. Starting the Course

There are two different ways to start the course:


1. Click The "SIGN IN" button on the homepage banner.



2. Click on "Student Login" In the upper right part of the website homepage.



2. Stopping the Course



To stop the course, click on Logout at the top of the course. Your progress will be automatically saved and you'll start where you left off.


3. Re-Starting the Course

To restart the course where you last stopped, sign back into the course using one of the links in Step 1 “Starting the Course” above.



If you exited the course by accident and haven't Logged out, you can re-enter the course by clicking on the "Access Course" link from the website homepage.


4. Watching The Videos

To watch the course videos, simply click on them.  The video will start to play and you can pause, fast forward or rewind using the controls.


5. Optional Test

There is an optional test at the end of the course for people who want to test their knowledge. This is 100% optional and you don't have to take it to earn your certificate.