Official California DMV Mature Driver Certificate

Your Mature Driver Improvement Certificate

You earn your official California DMV Mature Driver Course Certificate by simply reading or listening to all of the course material and watching all of the videos. There are no tests to pass!

Receiving Your Certificate

  • After you complete the course we email your certificate to you within 3 business days for free.

  • You can also receive a paper copy of your certificate by US First Class Mail for an additional fee. On average, people receive their mailed certificate within 5 to 7 business days.

Please note weekends and holidays are not considered business days.

Getting Your Auto Insurance Discount

After you receive your Certificate you must send it to your auto insurance agent/company as proof that you have completed our California DMV Licensed and Approved Mature Driver Tune-Up® course.

Your agent will then apply the discount to your insurance. Your certificate is good for a period of 3 years, after which, you will be required to take a renewal course to continue your discount.

Your Mature Driver Discount Amount

California State insurance law (Insurance Code Section 11628.3) mandates that your auto insurance company provide you with a discount on your auto insurance for a period of 3 years after you provide proof of successfully completing our Mature Driver Tune-Up® Course. This law applies to all auto insurance companies doing business in California.

The amount of your discount will depend upon your driving record, your insurance company, and other factors. Insurance companies can refuse to give you a discount if you have a poor driving record.

Drivers who complete our course get up to 15% off their auto insurance and save on average $90 a year, but you should contact your insurance agent and find out how much you will save.